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اكستريم لاعادة تد�وير المخلفات الالكترونية (5).png

بفضل خبرتنا التي تزيد عن 50 عاماً في مجال إعادة التدوير في مصر، فقد أثبتنا أنفسنا كشركة رائدة في هذا المجال. يتخصص مصنعنا في إعادة تدوير الخردة والمخلفات الإلكترونية، باستخدام أحدث التقنيات لتحويل المخلفات إلى موارد قيّمة. 

نحن في Xtreme نؤمن بالإدارة المسؤولة للمخلفات والاستدامة البيئية. وباعتبارنا من مقدمي  خدمة إعادة تدوير المخلفات  المعتمدين  رسمياً ومعترف به من قبل وزارة البيئة المصرية، فإننا نلتزم بأعلى المعايير في هذا المجال.  

يؤكد هذا الاعتماد على خبرتنا في التعامل مع المخلفات  ويضمن إعادة تدوير جميع المواد بما يتوافق مع اللوائح والقوانين.  

يعمل في منشأتنا فريق من المهنيين ذوي المهارات العالية الذين يتمتعون بمعرفة وخبرة واسعة في مجال إعادة التدوير.

وبفضل خبراتهم، نضمن لك عمليات إعادة تدوير فعّالة ودقيقة تعطي الأولوية للحفاظ على البيئة.  

باختيارك لخدماتنا، يمكنك أن تكون واثقاً من أنه سيتم التعامل مع مخلفاتك  وإعادة تدويرها بالطريقة المناسبة وصديقة للبيئة. 

كمقدمين لخدمة إعادة التدوير المخلفات الإلكترونية بشكل معتمد من وزارة البيئة المصرية نقوم بتوفير شهادة اعتماد  منا  أن مخلفات مؤسستك قد أعيد تدويرها بطريقة مسؤولة مطابقه للشروط والقوانين.  

هذه الشهادة بمثابة دليل ملموس على التزامك بالممارسات المستدامة. سواء كنت شركة أو مؤسسة أو فرداً، فإن مشاركتك معنا تثبت التزامك بالإدارة السليمة للمخلفات  والإشراف البيئي. 

تتمثل مهمتنا في Xtreme  في إحداث تأثير إيجابي على البيئة من خلال تقليل البصمة الكربونية للمخلفات.  

من خلال تكليفنا بتلبية احتياجات إعادة التدوير الخاصة بك، فإنك تساهم بفعالية في جعل كوكبنا أكثر صحة. إن تفانينا وخبرتنا الواسعة في هذا المجال يضمنان لنا تقديم خدمات إعادة تدوير لا مثيل لها. 

إنضم إلينا في رحلتنا لخلق مستقبل مستدام من خلال إعادة التدوير المسؤولة. 

 اتصل بنا اليوم لاكتشاف المزيد عن خدماتنا وشهاداتنا وكيف يمكننا مساعدتك في إعادة تدوير مخلفاتك بكفاءة وفعالية. " 

With over 50 years of experience in recycling in Egypt, we have established ourselves as a leading in the field. Our factory specializes in recycling scrap and electronic waste, using the latest technologies to transform waste into valuable resources. 

At Xtreme, we believe in responsible waste management and environmental sustainability. As an officially certified waste recycling service provider recognized by the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, we adhere to the highest standards in this field. 

This confirms that we have experience in dealing with waste and ensures that all materials are recycled in accordance with regulations and laws. 

We have a team of highly skilled professionals who have extensive knowledge and experience in the recycling field. 

We aim to set new standards for sustainability, ensuring responsible processing and resource recovery while supporting environmental conservation efforts, according to their experience we guarantee you efficient and accurate recycling operations that prioritize environmental conservation. 

By choosing our services, you can be confident that your waste will be handled and recycled in a proper and environmentally friendly manner. 

As providers of electronic waste recycling services approved by the Egyptian Ministry of Environment we provide you with a certified certificate that your organization's waste has been recycled in a responsible manner that complies with the terms and laws. 

This certification is proof of your commitment to sustainable practices. Whether you are a company, organization or individual, your participation with us demonstrates your commitment to sound waste management and environmental stewardship. 

Our mission at Xtreme is to make a positive impact on the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of waste. 

By entrusting us with your recycling needs, you are actively contributing to a healthier planet. Our dedication and extensive experience in this field ensures that we provide unparalleled recycling services. 

Join us on our journey to create a sustainable future through responsible recycling. 

Contact us today to find out more about our services, certifications and how we can help you recycle your waste efficiently and effectively. 

اكستريم لاعادة تدوير المخلفات الالكترونية (1).jpg

Based on Law No. 202 of 2020, which stipulates the safe disposal of electronic and electrical waste for factories approved only by the Ministry of Environment and Waste Management 

Xtreme Factory is certified by: 

  • Egyptian Ministry of Environment 

  • Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Industry 

  • Waste Management Regulatory Authority 

  • Chamber of Metallurgical Industries 

  • General Authority for Industrial Development 

Learn more about company management 

Chief executive speech 

We are passionate about our mission to make a revolution in the recycling industry and create a safer future. Whether you are an individual looking for sustainable solutions or a company looking to align with responsible waste management practices, we are here to serve you. 

I would like to assure our customers that Xtreme is committed to providing exceptional recycling services that meet and exceed their expectations. Our facility and team ensure that your waste is handled responsibly and turned into valuable resources. We are ready to partner with you to achieve your sustainability goals. 

To our valued partners, I would like to express my deep appreciation for your trust and cooperation. Together we can make a meaningful difference and have a positive impact on the environment. I value our partnerships and look forward to continued success in our shared mission. 

At Xtreme, we believe that supporting the environment is not just a responsibility but an opportunity to shape a better future. We are committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and investing in sustainable practices that reduce waste, conserve resources and protect our planet. 

I invite you to join us on this exciting journey towards a greener and more sustainable world. We can make a lasting difference. Call our team and learn more about our services. Let's work together to make a positive change. 

Thank you for your interest in Xtreme. 

Let's learn together what recycling is and build a brighter future for the coming generations 

Best regards. 

Ibrahim Suleiman 

Xtreme Chief Executive 

Chief executive 

Get to know Ibrahim Suleiman, the leader behind Xtreme. With more than 20 years of experience in the recycling industry, Suleiman became leading in this industry. Because passion to support the environment, Suleiman strongly believes in responsible waste management and sustainable practices. 

Ibrahim Suleiman has dedicated his career to revolutionizing the recycling industry, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. His deep belief and understanding of recycling technologies and industry trends has propelled Xtreme to the forefront of the market. Under his guidance, the company has grown exponentially and become a trusted name in the industry. 

Beyond recycling, Suleiman is a believer in the cause of environmental conservation and understands the importance of investing in various fields to drive change. Recognizing the interconnectedness of environmental issues, he has strategically invested in initiatives that promote renewable energy, environmental conservation and sustainable development. 

Xtreme continues its revolution regarding the recycling industry and pave the way for a greener future. His vision and expertise in the field make him a powerful force in driving sustainable solutions and inspiring others to join the movement towards a more sustainable world. 

Most valuable customers 

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